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Friday, May 27, 2011


I have spent the past few years looking into different business opportunities to supplement my income and have discovered there are an endless amount of opportunities out there that really do work! I have met people personally who have either supplemented their income with just a few hundred dollars per month to earning 6 figure incomes or more, right here in Sacramento, and a number of these folks are my friends! Ive even met a $3,000,000+ annual earner once!!!

Most people's minds go on tilt at the higher numbers and the conversation ends because the average person just can't wrap their minds around such large numbers because it just doesn't seem real to them or they think it's a scam!!! Yet all the people I have met are hard working upstanding people who have earned their income over time in legitimate legal and moral business practices that anyone can follow. In fact I have discovered that there are millions of millionaires right here in just the USA alone!!! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!!!

However, as an average guy myself, my main purpose in regard to the Business Connection side of this blog is to expose the average person to various ideas that can help him/her supplement their monthly income; by let's say about $1,000? I figure anyone would benefit from an extra grand per month, wouldn't you agree? Any amount is good and we all have to start somewhere but I thought $1,000 is a good round number to work towards!


I have known people who have supplemented their incomes or even earned full time incomes by selling children's clothes or Gold & Silver on Ebay, buying and selling used books, cleaning houses, in-home care, laundry, internet marketers, various Legitimate Multi-Level Marketing Businesses or Financial Services where you need various professional licenses with the state! You name it, people do it and make a living! I believe there are enough business ideas out there for everyone on the planet and one that's right for YOU! I believe it's only our lack of imagination, discipline and creativity that holds us back! THERE ARE NO LIMITS except what we put on our selves!!!

In fact my observation is that any business system that is a proven system with a track record for success, ALWAYS works if you work that particular system and follow the example of those who are successful in that particular system. I'm not the expert on all these ideas but I've made some money here and there myself and have learned quite a bit over time. I keep my options open to new ideas and am just sharing from my observation and personal experience. All this is similar to going to the gym, it takes time, effort and consistency in order to see any results!

I don't know about you but I haven't always been the most consistent guy in everything I've done in life and have come to the conclusion that it is natural for us humans to take the easy road in life...WE DON'T LIKE CHANGE...but unfortunately the easy road usually doesn't get us what we want in life! So I had to come to the point in my life that I acknowledged that I AND I ALONE am absolutely 100% responsible for ALL my choices and BOTH my successes and failures! So on that note, I decided to work on myself and my choices and educate myself on my options and start taking initiative to Succeed in life! Nobody was going to do it for me..NOT EVEN GOD! It is MY choice to succeed or fail and to be honest sometimes its just easier to fail, but I had to look at what I really wanted in life, set my goals, follow the example of those that are succeeding in the area that I wanted to succeed at and surround myself with people, books, tapes etc that re-enforce my success and move away from those that don't! So now I'm on my journey of daily personal growth & development towards fulfilling my God given purpose in life and helping others to do the same!

"Success is not a destination, it's a journey" - Zig Ziglar

Have an absolutely Blessed day!!!

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